A Blog for WordPress Developers, Designers and Bloggers

Archive for December, 2018

Software Development Trends in [year] For Better Results

Trends come and go all of the time, and the world of software development is no different. If anything, it progresses more rapidly than other industries, as technology advances with every day that passes by.

With that being said, below we take a look at the top five trends in software… https://is.gd/sh29tb

6 Plugins to Help You Design a Killer WordPress Landing Pages

So, you decided to build your website using WordPress, huh?

You’ve made a great decision.

Not only is WordPress easy to learn and use, but its ever-growing library of plugins also give it a level of flexibility that blows other platforms out of the water. You can effortlessly build a f… https://is.gd/OXwdnZ

How Busy Professionals Can Continue Working On Themselves

If you’re a busy professional, you probably find it hard to get the things done that you really want to do when you’re not working. This can leave you feeling like you’re ignoring your deepest wants and needs, and before you know it you can end up feeling depressed, burnt out, and just not in a g… https://is.gd/mD3e1e

GitScrum Review – Managing Projects and Teams in a Perfect way

GitScrum is a project management software tool that is designed to help in the process of developing projects. This tool is suitable for business operations and large organizations where projects are delivered and held continuously. The tool was developed with the Laravel Framework. GitScrum is… https://is.gd/biUf6f

Data Security Tips when Building a Website

Development of a personal or business website has become easier than ever before due to the availability of easy to use web development tools and website builders. But most of the webmasters and small business owners don’t think that their website could be a target for cyber criminals or h… https://is.gd/yAsPTS

Achieving Bigger and Better Things for Your Blog from Branding To Budgeting

Setting out to become a successful blogger was a leap of faith you always wanted to make. You realized there were huge risks involved and you might not have been able to earn a living right away. Luckily you have found your feet as a blogger and you’re growing your empire day by day.

Running a… https://is.gd/TVhmxy

Where Are WordPress Images Stored and How Can You Organize Them?

Imagery is very important in website design. It improves the visitor retention, grabs their attention, and even enhances the search engine optimization. Without images on your WordPress site to accompany the content, your quality writing will lack an essential piece.

As Derek Eagle, a… https://is.gd/iwAfre

New Money-Making Approaches for WordPress Blog Writing

Creating blogs on WordPress has become a common phenomenon in the current ICT dispensation. It is highly respected due to its merits in optimizing search engine, offering convenient syndication, allowing for easy updates, responding to web design as well as cost-effectiveness among others…. https://is.gd/cTfGdY